Pastoral Staff

Lead Pastor Lorraine Kearsey was born in St. Johns, Newfoundland. She came to know the Lord, and began outreach ministry with Youth With A Mission, in the 1980s. Through the years she served in ministerial roles in various locations, being led to Brantford in 1996.
The Lord gave Pastor Lorraine a heart for the hurting. She began an outreach to society’s forgotten in downtown Brantford in 1996, and this ministry grew and matured and became The Outpost Ministry Church, relocating to its present location at 11 Aberdeen in June of 2012.
Pastor Lorraine’s vision for this ministry is to teach the Word of God, helping people to truly understand that Jesus is the Truth, the Life, the Way. Her style is down-to-earth, and her desire is to cultivate a family atmosphere where everyone works, helps, cries, rejoices and fellowships together.
She believes that God is no respecter of persons, that He loves the poor and downtrodden equally as much as the rich and accomplished. To this end, her message is of a God Who gives hope, that anything is truly possible, even change and healing and wholeness. She wants to see the Church demonstrate Christ’s love and power through practical, understandable means.
Pastor Lorraine is ordained through the Canadian Fellowship of Churches and Ministers.

Associate Pastor Frank Valla was born in St. Catherines, Ontario.
As a young man he questioned whether God was a real person, or the result of religious hope or belief. In 1979 he came to know the Lord through a series of extraordinary circumstances which culminated in a near death experience, where he had a lifesaving encounter with the power and presence of God.
God spoke to him, saying, “Now you know I am real…now you know My power”. Pastor Frank has served in part-time ministry since 1990, working with Pastor Lorraine in Mercy & Counseling Ministry, as well as serving as Head of Ministry for the Cambridge Vineyard for five years. After receiving Bible School training in 2000, he was ordained through the Canadian Fellowship of Churches and Ministers (CFCM).
Pastor Frank believes that God has a plan and a purpose for each and every person, one that far exceeds anything that we could hope for (Eph. 3:20). His vision for the Outpost Ministry Church is to lift the veil of the unknown (2 Cor. 3:16-18) and to make known the character, grace and presence of the Lord Jesus Christ through relationship with Him, rather than religious beliefs.
Associate Pastor Mary D. Ross was born in Glasgow, Scotland.
She came to know the Lord during Easter in 1979, and was soon after schooled at Youth With A Mission in the 1980s.
Pastor Mary has served in various ministerial capacities over the years, serving in an outreach capacity, ministry counselling, teaching bible studies, overseeing Sunday School, and undertaking the duties of Secretary/Treasurer. She has been a co-laborer with Pastor Lorraine since 1989. In 2000, Pastor Mary received formal Biblical education via Alpha Bible Institute.
Pastor Mary’s vision for The Outpost Ministry Church is to see people come to know the love of Jesus in their everyday lives. She also believes it is the call of the Church to see the lost, the poor and the needy cared for in practical, as well as, spiritual ways. Her desire is that the “Joy of the Lord” would be fulfilled in lives, spreading out into our wonderful city of Brantford, `